Safety Cabinet

For storing batteries

Safety cabinet for storing batteries with 90-minute resistance, both in case of fire from the outside according to ČSN EN 14470-1, and in case of fire from the inside due to self-ignition of batteries
For storage of inflammable liquids, protect the stored chemicals in case of fire for interval 90 minutes (type 90) or 30 minutes (type 30).
Safe storage of aggressive chemicals according to regulations.
Cabinets with fire resistance 90 or 30 minutes in case of fire, special adjustment for storage of gas cylinders.
Combine storage of inflammable liquids, acids, alkalis in one safety cabinet with the possibility of optimal adaptation of internal chamber.

Safety Cabinet

Cabinets for clean rooms

Safety cabinet for clean rooms class 5 accord. to EN 14644-1, EN 14470-1, for storage of flammable liquids, lockable, with fire resist. of 90 min (type 90) and the necessity of continuous exhausting.

Safety Cabinet

Cabinets for Chemicals

One-sided cabinets for safe and legal storage of chemicals.
Extraction and filter attachments, pull-out shelves, catch basins, perforated inserts, shelves with increased load capacity, moving bases and plinths, drain systems, document holder.