Service cells MERCI® N are made for distributing of liquid and gas media inclusive electro installation. We place emphasis on user friendly manipulation with controlling elements and on good availability of outputting elements. We offer the service cells MERCI® N in a wide scale of types and dimensions, to fulfil the requirements for equipment of a stable or a variable laboratory.
Service cells MERCI® N can be equipped with valves and outlets of liquid and gas media inclusive electro installation, main switches, emergency switches or data sockets, local exhaust, LED lighting of the worktop or with elements for installing of apparatuses.
Service cells MERCI® N are certified according to valid standards EU.
Flexible cassette system enables adaptation to the customer’s requirements with the possibility of subsequent changes of configuration. The media input into the service cells MERCI® is resolved in various ways, according to the media distributing lines in the building. The media distributing lines in the service cells MERCI® N are safe and available without the necessity of disassembly, in case of repairs or revisions.
We recommend the service cells, standing on the floor, for fix solution of laboratory interiors with possibility of choice in the left or right version for one-sided or double-sided table.
The service cells, standing on the floor, are connected and load the worktop, the maximal loading capacity depends on the worktop and table. They can be used for the heights of the worktop 900 mm. Everyone distributing line is connected from the bottom under the worktop, inclusive waste into the waste sink in the worktop.
We offer the metal service cells in two variants according to the type of laboratory – type N (service cells for distributing of liquid and gas media inclusive electricity) and type NE (service cells with electric sockets only).